Speaking about Writing and Nonfiction
As an author, photographer, nurse, lecturer, Minnesota State Park Bison Ambassador, mother, and grandmother, Terri has a vast experience of talking, teaching, and working with people from all age groups. Click the links on this page for a list of topics she has in her repertoire. Terri is eager and willing to customize any of her visits. She feels customized presentations are essential to providing the best experience for all involved.
I look forward to my busy speaking schedule, traveling to schools and writers’ conferences, visiting civic groups and writing classes, spending several days at young authors’ conferences.
I enjoy meeting people who are hard at work on their own manuscripts, sharing ideas, and networking.
Talking with young people about reading, writing, history, and research … firing up their imaginations … that’s rewarding work.
“Terri’s love of reading and learning shows in both her presentation and in her books. Her mothering instincts especially come into play while researching and writing her books. Terri understands kids and knows what will inspire them and what will draw them into reading more books. She believes in books and kids!”
—Jean Kelly, local chapter president, Xi Beta Iota of the Beta Sigma Phi

Speaking with young people
at schools and conferences
Speaking with adults
at conferences, classes, and community groups